It’s been a while since I’ve been able to use a longer lens to get up close to the city like this. The sun has been rising so far north for the past few months, where the skyline isn’t much to look at, that the situation usually calls for a wider angle to make a more interesting scene. And I’m a big fan of wide angle shots anyway. But today I was having trouble capturing the scene the way I wanted to with my usual wide angle lens. It was hazy and cloudy, and I didn’t feel I was accurately recreating what little color there was in the sky. I walked south along the waterfront with the intention of bringing the sunrise a bit more in line with a more interesting part of the city. That helped, but I was still dissatisfied with my shots, so as the sun was breaching over the horizon I got frustrated and switched lenses. I chose a longer lens and started firing at the sun rising through the orange haze. Framing the shot like this created a bit of a murky and eerie feeling, which was exactly what I wanted.
So, when you get caught in a rut, make a change and do things differently. It can be hard to do it on your own, sometimes external forces will cause you to do it, but when it happens you’ll be glad you did.