What a start to the day. I’ve been photographing the sunrise for 217 days now and today was one of my favorites.
People often ask me about my future plans and where I am going with this project. In short, while I am going to continue photographing the sunrise every day for a while and continue looking for ways to gain exposure for my work, I will also be looking for ways to spread my message and help to inspire people to do extraordinary things in their lives. Essentially, I want to be the Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee) of sunrise photography. Gary went from working in his parents’ liquor store, to posting homemade videos of himself tasting wine, to parlaying that into becoming a world-renowned social media expert, entrepreneur, speaker, author, and inspiration for millions of people. While his vehicle to get there was wine, mine will be sunrise photography.
Those who subscribe to my email newsletter on my website will get more inside info about my future plans and projects.