Visions in fog.
When I say “vision”, I’m not talking about what you see with your eyes. I’m talking about what you see with your mind.
I wandered around a bit this morning, searching for the best shot to make the most of this morning’s scene of clouds and fog. I went to a few locations, but nothing really stuck out to me.
Then it hit me…I had the vision in my mind of the exact shot I wanted. It was a few minutes away from where I was standing, so I had to hurry. I could see in my mind the exact angle and the framing of the shot, as well as the tones I wanted.
As I approached the location, the rain picked up. I arrived and got set up as I was getting absolutely pelted with wind and rain on the coldest morning of the season so far.
I only took two photos before I couldn’t bear it anymore. But this one came out almost exactly as I had envisioned, with the exception of a few perfectly placed raindrops.
I couldn’t have planned those raindrops, but having the vision and pushing forward to carry it through was what helped me to get a result that was even better than originally intended.