Big things and little things.
Today we give thanks for everything in our lives–the big things and the little things. While it’s easy to notice and acknowledge the big things, it can be just as easy to overlook the little things. When we put things in the right perspective, they all have equal importance.
Gratitude is something that can be practiced every day. Those who are grateful every day are the ones who have the most–not because they actually have the most, but because they feel like they do. And that is all that matters.
And what’s more, the best things in life tend to gravitate to those who would appreciate them most. But you can’t fake it, hoping things will come to you. You have to think it and feel it. Gratitude is not currency, and it is not conditional. It is something you give in return for something you have received–not the other way around.
For those who are truly grateful, the world belongs to them, only because they believe it does. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, for whom I am truly grateful.